What is covered in the Term?
Term 1, 2025 (8 classes term) will have a mid-term performance for all Adult Bollywood batches performing at the Mooomba Parade on Monday 10 March (confirmed). Other batches such as Truganina BollyClassical Adults, Truganina Kids & Burwood Kids are likely to perform at a Holi festival in March (this will be confirmed in first class of the batch). Since there is performance preparation, first half of the term will be dedicated to getting students ready for the performance with the remaining term classes returning to a non-performance style format where students will learn various Bollywood Fusion Dance styles and have in-class videos recorded. ​
Please note for batches performing at the Moomba Parade, there are two out of class compulsory rehearsals hosted on 16/02 & 22/02. All performance preparation classes as well as out of class rehearsals are compulsory for students to attend in order to perform, any planned or unplanned absences from the dates scheduled will unfortunately result in students not being able to perform and no exceptions can be made.
*Term fees includes Humanitix platform booking fees
Can students have a trial before joining the whole term/do a casual drop in/attend only some of the classes within the term?
With Term 1 being a performance term, unfortunately we will not be able to accommodate any trials or permit students to only attend a few classes within the term as performance preparation will start from Class 1 itself. However, for the second half of the term where the class format will return to non-performance style, casual bookings will be opened which can be an option to book. Links for booking will be updated here on the website closer to those class dates.
Can students still join the term if they do not wish to perform or are not available to perform?
Yes, students can still join the dance term if they are not performing, as long as you are aware of the term format and are happy to attend classes irrespective. Please inform the teacher of this in advance. However, we do encourage all students to participate in the performance, as it offers numerous benefits, including boosting confidence, improving stage presence, and gaining valuable experience in performance-related skills such as timing, expression, and teamwork. Performing can be an incredibly rewarding part of the dance journey and helps students grow both as dancers and individuals.
Our Refund/Cancellation Policy
Refunds can only be given if cancellation is at least 7 days prior to term commencement. In all other circumstances, no refunds/credits/transfers. This applies to all situations where the attendee has had change of mind/change in personal circumstances/decided to travel/medical reasons/miss classes for any other reasons. We have limited capacity in all batches so once you book, your spot is held for the term.
Levels of Dancing explained
Beginner-Intermediate (Beg-Int): Learn the fundamentals and progress through classes and courses that will build confidence
Intermediate-Advance (Int-Advance): Begin to explore more intricate choreography while refining your skills. Students must have attended a few Beg-Int batches with us prior to enrolling into this level
Advance: Immerse yourself in training ready for professional-level choreography and exercises. Admission via audition. Please contact us to arrange for an audition
Open: Mixed level
Do students have to pay for their own costumes for the performance?
Yes, for performances, students will be required to arrange for costumes at their own cost. Our preference is for students to hire a costume and we have a few providers that offer these at affordable pricing. However, sometimes, we may also suggest cost-friendly purchasing options for students. Our aim is to look for options that are affordable and high-quality costumes for the performances but also ensuring the entire group looks consistent with the costumes planned.
What do students wear to the classes?
Unless it is a costume based class which the teacher will communicate regarding in advance, for all other classes, please come wearing comfortable exercise clothing including appropriate shoes. For the BollyClassical batches, we encourage you to wear Indian/loose fitting clothing and these classes are generally conducted barefoot.
Are the classes suitable for both Males & Females?
Absolutely Yes! Our Bollywood dance classes are open to both males and females. Our teachers are experienced in creating inclusive and dynamic environments, ensuring that song selections and choreographies are designed to suit a mixed-gender group. We believe in fostering a welcoming atmosphere where all students can feel comfortable and confident while learning and performing.
What are the class sizes?
It depends on the studio and capacity limits, however, for Kids batches we aim to keep maximum class size as 20 students whereas for adult batches it can range between 20-30 as maximum limits.
In-Class filming
We love taking videos and we do so for many reasons which include providing them to students as way of feedback, professionally filmed videos as way of performance and showcase student talent across our social media/website/promo materials. If you are uncomfortable with being filmed or your filming being shared, please inform the teacher at the start.
Bookings and Term Fees
We use Humanitix as our booking platform. You will find the link for booking above. All class levels except Fitzroy Advance batch are a 60 mins session per week and Fitzroy Advance is a 90 mins session per week. Term pricing mentioned above also includes a booking fee charged by the Humanitix platform to process the booking. Please note, in the instances a refund has been processed by us, the Humanitix platform charged booking fees is not refundable.
We do not accept cash/payment plans/post-paid/any other means of payment and all classes have to be booked online and pre-paid before attendance. If the batch is fully booked and therefore shows a "sold out" sign, you may register yourself on the waiting list. Should there be any drop offs and if we can accommodate you then you will be notified in the order of the waiting list for any open spots. Please do not ask us to prioritise you over others on the waiting list, at NB Dance we strictly follow procedures that are fair to all.